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This index will no longer be available after March 3, 2025. For articles and obituaries dating back to 1911, please use the Gainesville Sun Collection at

parties differ on wetlands' condition; environmentalists seek tighter rules in comprehensive plan but water managers seeno problem in county

parties differ on wetlands' condition; environmentalists seek tighter rules in comprehensive plan but water managers seeno problem in county
The article incorrectly states that the Gainesville city charter was amended in 2001 to permit off-site restoration ofwetlands. In fact, the city's comprehensive plan was amended in 2002 to allow off-site restoration. Corrected in Jan. 29paper; pg. 2A, col. 5.
adams, dwight
cantwell, kathy
suwannee-st. johns sierra club
st. johns river water management district
suwannee river water management district
Monday, January 27, 2003

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