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This index will no longer be available after March 1, 2025. For articles and obituaries dating back to 1911, please use the Gainesville Sun Collection at

overview of events surrounding the kidnapping, murder of r.vasquez (picture)

overview of events surrounding the kidnapping, murder of r.vasquez (picture)
Article incorrectly states Michelle White drove Scott Chretien to his apartment following initial attack on Vasquez.Jennifer Watson was actually the driver. Corrected in Feb. 17 paper; pg. 2A, col. 5.
capablanca, fernando aquiles
watson, jennifer michelle
white, michelle ann
jupiter, lee neuland
ricci, samman premsun
escalante, anthony vincent
buttermore, christopher lee
chretien, scott allen
reynolds, ryan bradford
jones, anthony eugene
gibbons, michael
vasquez, ralph alphonso
watermelon pond park
Sunday, February 15, 1998

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  • Names: Key persons, places and things
  • City: Residence at time of death (obituaries only)
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  • Type: Additional type, such as "editorial" for opinion columns
  • Annotation: Additional notes about the article, such as a correction.
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